I Am the Resurrection April 21, 2019 When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it was a "sign" that resurrection is not just something Jesus does, but something Jesus is. Jesus...
Children of Light – Brighter Together – Part 4 April 14, 2019 Jesus' people are called to be children of light in a world of darkness. We shine brighter when we work collectively.
Being the Consecrated One at Hanukkah April 7, 2019 During Hanukkah, or the Feast of Dedication, Jesus claims to be the Messiah, Good Shepherd, and the one who is truly dedicated to God....
Giving Water and Light on Sukkot March 31, 2019 A third festival is introduced in John 7, the Feast of Booths (Sukkot). During Sukkot, Jesus claims to be both the light of the world and...