Content in Every Situation November 14, 2021 When Paul wrote the book of Philippians, he was in prison. To help him in during this difficult time, the Christians in Philippi sent him...
My Grace is Sufficient for You November 7, 2021 Paul was plagued with many hardships, including what he called, “a thorn…in the flesh.” There is much debate about what this...
The Exile October 31, 2021 When humanity ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they were immediately filled with shame and regret. When God...
The Fall October 24, 2021 When Adam and Eve ate the “forbidden fruit” it affected more than their relationship with God. Their sin affected their...
The Serpent October 17, 2021 There was a “crafty” and deceitful creature in Eden, the serpent. The serpent tempted Eve to eat “the fruit of the tree of the...
The Man and Woman October 10, 2021 The first thing that was “not good” in Eden was humanity’s loneliness. But God graciously made “a helper fit for him.” After God...
The Trees of Eden October 3, 2021 In Eden, God graciously provided humanity (his image-bearer) with many tress. These trees were “pleasant to the sight and good for...