Are We There Yet? May 14, 2023 Though kids are the ones who typically ask, “Are We There Yet?” even adults get tired, impatient, and exasperated. Sometimes we grow...
Pornography May 10, 2023 Pornography offers people a form of sex that is disconnected from commitment, love, and even relationship. It makes sex into something...
Words of Anger or Forgiveness April 30, 2023 Paul said, “Be angry and do not sin” but this shouldn’t be seen as justification for all of our anger. In fact, in the same passage,...
Divorce April 26, 2023 Nearly everyone has been affected, in one way or another, by divorce. It can be devastating not only for the couple who divorces, but also...
Words of Corruption or Grace April 23, 2023 Continuing to describe the “new self,” Paul teaches us that we should not let any “corrupting talk” come out of our mouths. What...
Christian Marriage April 19, 2023 The Christian view of marriage was unique in the ancient world. It challenged many of the preconceived ideas and practices in that culture....
Words of Falsehood or Truth April 16, 2023 Paul says that that the “new self” is marked by putting away falsehood and speaking truth. He says the reason for choosing to speak...
Christian Singleness April 12, 2023 Both Jesus and Paul were single men and both made a compelling case for why others might also choose to remain single for the sake of the...
The Road to Emmaus April 9, 2023 On the Sunday afternoon that Jesus was raised from the dead, he spent quite a lot of time with two disciples (about whom we know almost...